A collection of resources produced by the National Immigrant Justice Center to help immigration practitioners when an existing client is detained by ICE, with a focus on the Chicago Detained Immigration Court.
Use this quick-start guide to understand when a detained immigrant might be eligible to seek a motion to reopen their removal proceedings, including a checklist to prepare the motion.
NIJC’s pro bono attorneys ensure access to justice and advocate for due process. Currently more than 56 individuals and families are in need of pro bono representation.
NIJC's Pro Bono Program continues to expand with opportunities available to volunteers and clients served across the United States. Here is a general overview of our Pro Bono Program.
Training for attorneys about Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), an immigration relief for children who have been abused or abandoned. Experts review the filing process with USCIS.
This manual and Illinois crimes chart covers immigration consequences for Illinois crimes and provides defense attorneys with tools to zealously advocate for non-citizen clients in criminal court.