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In partnership with private attorneys from Chicago law firms, the National Immigrant Justice Center hosts regular clinics to help Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) recipients complete and file applications to renew their protection. All DACA renewal clinics currently are virtual.

While DACA protection is not currently available for individuals who do not currently have it or whose DACA expired more than one year ago, NIJC offers legal consultations to help individuals understand their rights and what other forms of legal relief may be available.

To stay updated on the latest legal and policy developments regarding DACA:

  1. Visit NIJC's DACA Frequently Asked Questions page
  2. Sign up to receive email updates about DACA and issues affecting immigrant youth

Who We Can Help

DACA renewal clinics are open only to individuals who currently hold DACA or whose DACA protection expired within the past year.

If you have not previously had DACA or have a DACA that expired more than one year ago or was terminated at any time, we encourage you to schedule a legal consultation with NIJC to determine whether you may be able to apply for DACA.