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ICE Lies report cover

(February 2018) - Since its creation, the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) immigration enforcement actions have become increasingly capricious. This deepened in the last year with the unapologetic arrests of long-term members of American communities, victims of violence, recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), asylum seekers and their children, and others. ICE Lies: Public Deception, Private Profit, a joint report by the National Immigrant Justice Center and Detention Watch Network, proposes that DHS's patterns of irresponsible governance—including fiscal mismanagement and opacity in detention operations—contribute to a failure of accountability for its ongoing rights violations. Addressing these good governance concerns would not address all the problems in the system, or even the worst of them, but would constitute a critical first step toward oversight that has been sorely lacking on the part of Congress and independent oversight bodies like the DHS Office of Inspector General.

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