The National Immigrant Justice Center submitted a statement for the record opposing the nomination of Pamela Jo Bondi to be attorney general of the United States. NIJC recommended that senators oppose the nomination based on Ms. Bondi's problematic role as a lobbyist for the country’s largest private prison company, GEO Group, as recently as 2019.
GEO Group has profited 83 cents on every tax dollar paid by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to care for detained immigrants. If confirmed as attorney general, Ms. Bondi would be in charge of U.S. immigration courts and have the authority to certify cases appealed to the Board of Immigration Appeals. These certifications, in turn, would define the standards for relief and custody determinations, both of which can significantly impact the length of time individuals remain in immigration detention. As President Trump’s nominee, she also would be poised to advance a mass detention and deportation agenda that would benefit her former client, GEO Group. This affiliation presents serious concerns as to Ms. Bondi’s ability to perform her role as attorney general and chief law enforcement officer with impartiality.
Read NIJC's full statement for the record.