This document provides information and resources for mental and medical health services that may be available for clients - both nationally and within Chicago and Illinois - as they pursue immigration
Link to Department of Justice Executive Office for Immigration Review's Immigration Court Practice Manual for attorneys and representatives appearing before immigration court.
Sample cover letter to submit to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services requesting that a Freedom of Information Act request for documents be placed on a "track three" fast-track.
On May 31, 2019, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued a memorandum changing its internal policy for assessing asylum office jurisdiction over asylum applications filed by previously designated unaccompanied immigrant children.
The phone number for the Chicago Detained Immigration Court, located at 536 S. Clark Street, recently changed. The new number is (312) 294-8400. The old number is no longer operational.
This training by NIJC and HIRC is for pro bono attorneys already familiar with asylum law, and focuses on the nexus element of asylum in light of the decision in Matter of A-B-.
Presentation slides from the attorney training by NIJC and Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinical Program focusing on the nexus element of asylum in light of the decision in Matter of A-B-.
NIJC released the following practice guidance in response to the Board of Immigration Appeals' published decision in Matter of M-A-C-O-, 27 I&N Dec. 477 (BIA 2018),
Presentation slides for the training assisting attorneys in understanding how former Attorney General Jeff Sessions' decision in Matter of A-B- may affect their clients seeking asylum.
This training is for pro bono attorneys already familiar with asylum law, and assists attorneys in understanding how the decision in Matter of A-B- may affect clients seeking asylum.
Practice guidance regarding the March 29, 2018, U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington decision regarding the one-year filing deadline for asylum.
This practice advisory provides guidance to practitioners inside the Seventh Circuit who wish to request IJ or BIA adjudication of their waivers of U visa admissibility.